About FOIL

About FOIL 2020-01-09T11:10:15+00:00

Futures Orient Investment LimitedFutures Orient Investment Limited is a start-up company incorporated in Nigeria as a Limited Liability Company on 15th June, 2017. A one stop investment Boutique with services tailored to your investment needs. We know that at the heart of every noble endeavour is planing and as a popular maxim says “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”. At Futures Orient Investment Limited (FOIL) we are futuristic in our approach that is the reason the “Future Matters” to us and our clients.
We have considered the Wealth of Nations and research into why some people are wealthy and why 5% of the population control the Wealth of most of all Nations. We concluded that they were able to create wealth by putting their money through savings to investments that yielded remarkable returns on investment.
This prompted us to create PRISM of Wealth to bring our clients up to speed then the underlying principle of our investment philosophy:

  • P: Pension
  • R: Retirement
  • I: Investment
  • S: Savings
  • M: Money

We consider these seriously because they are the fulcrum of our existence and the rallying point for us and our client


“Future Matters”


To develop relationship with key retail investors so strong that they will view us more as indispensable partners, than just another investment House. We would work closely with all our investors and ensure we understand their risk profile at every stage of their lives. We will ensure we design and scout for assets that will meet the needs of all the client we serve.


FOIL’s mission is to develop a business that provides outstanding execution for trades while concurrently providing insightful financial advice to its clients throughout Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa.

To aggressively seek Capital appreciation in rising Markets and Capital Preservation in declining ones for all the classes of asset we invest on. We take a long-term perspective as we, endeavor to maintain a focused discipline for our Clients and stakeholders over time.